Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Cara Membuat, Menambah Partisi Harddisk Windows 8 Infonetku - Saya pernah menulis tentang bagaimana caranya untuk membuat partisi harddisk  di windows 7, nah sekarang yang saya bagikan ke sahabat media infonetku adalah bagaimana cara membuat partisi harddisk di Windows 8

Sebenarnya cara untuk membuat , menambah partisi atau juga bahkan sahabat ingin menambah ataupun mengurangi kapasitas partisi harddisk sahabat bisa mengikuti cara yang sudah admin bagikan sebelumnya untuk windows 7, karena caranya sama saja yaitu dengan menggunakan Disk Management.

Caranya klik Start lalu klik kanan computer kemudian klik Manage kemudian klik Disk Management disana sahabat bisa menambah, mengurangi, menformat, atau bahkan membuat partisi baru. Kalau di Windows 7 dengan menggunakan Disk Management bawaan dari windows ini bisa kita gunakan untuk menambah dan mengurangi kapasitas partisi utama (partisi harddisk yang menyimpan system) Namun di windows 8 sahabat tidak bisa menambah (extend) partisi utama harddisk, nah inilah kesulitan pertama yang saya temui ketika saya memutuskan untuk menghapus instalasi windows 7 saya karena admin sudah mempunya windows 8, setelah windows 7 saya hapus, saya ingin menambahkan partisi winsows 8 saya dengan partisi bekas windows 7 yang sudah di format, tapi ternyata partisi utama windows 8 saya tidak bisa ditambahin kalau kita hanya menggunakan tool disk management bawaan windows. Setelah browsing kesana kemari akhirnya saya menemukan software untuk windows 8 yang membantu saya untuk menambah dan mengurangi partisi harddisk saya namanya AOMEI Partition Assistant Home Edition. 

Gambar diatas adalah tampilan AOMEI Partition Assistant Home Edition, software gratis ini bisa membantu sahabat yang ingin menmbah kapasitas harddisk windows 8 kamu.

Cara Menggunakan.

Cara pemakaian software ini juga mudah sekali, semua tool sudah tersedia, ada Copy partition, delete partition, format partition, Resize Partition dan ada juga Allocate Free Space.
Nah tool Allocate Free space inilah yang kita gunakan untuk menambah kapasitas partisi utama windows 8.
Cara klik dulu partisi yang akan kita alokasikan ke partisi utama windows 8, kemudian klik Allocate Free Space, kemudian pilih pengalokasiannya ke partisi utama windows 8 bianya ini label disknya C: 
Kemudia set berapa besaran yang kamu akan aikasikan ke partisi utama atau (C:) setelah selesai restart komputer kamu, nah saat reboot atau restart disaat itulah software ini akan bekerja untuk menambahkan free space ke partisi utama windows 8 (C:) jadi tunggu aja sampai selesai prosesnya.
Bagaimana gampangkan? Selamat mencoba yah. SALAM

Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes

Final Image

Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes


Step 1

Open the beach photo and reduce the size to 400 x 600px with Image > Image Size.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 1

Step 2

Open the bikini photo and reduce the size of it with Image > Image Size again.
Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (Feather: 1px) to separate the woman from the background.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 2
Hold Alt button and cut away the inner parts of the background between hands and body also.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 3
Press Ctrl+C to copy the selected area, then go back to the main picture with the scenery background and paste the image selection with Ctrl+V.
Use Edit > Free Transform to reduce the size of the copied fragment a bit and flip it horizontally with Edit > Transform > Free Transform as shown on my picture below.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 4

Step 3

Since the background where we put the girl is brighter, we have to adjust the brightness of the layer with the girl. Make the layer with girl active and make the adjustment with Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast:
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 5
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 6

Step 4

Open the pink daisy photo and use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to separate the flower from the background.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 7
Press Ctrl+C to copy the selected fragment of the image, then go to the main canvas and paste the copied fragment with Ctrl+V.
Apply Edit > Free Transform to reduce the flower size.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 8
Duplicate this layer a few times to create the upper and lower contour of the dress.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 9
Duplicate the last  layer with the flower again and press Ctrl+T to reduce it a little bit. We need smaller flowers to create the dress straps.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 10
After that we can bring a few flowers of different sizes to the dress area as ornaments.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 11
Go to the woman layer and create the same selection with the Polygonal Lasso Tool as on my picture below.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 12
After that press Ctrl+Shift+J to cut the selected part of image on a new layer. Then set the fill opacity to 0% and apply Inner Glow and Color Overlay layer styles for this layer:
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 13
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 14
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 15
Now we have one small hole on the bottom of the dress. To remove this defect use the Polygonal Lasso Tool and create selection as shown on the picture below. Fill this selected area with any color.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 16
Remove the selection with Ctrl+D. Merge all the layers together except the interior background and the woman. Duplicate the merged layer and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur to the copied layer.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 17
Change the layer mode to Soft Light for this layer.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 18

Final Image

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it helpful.
Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes

Kreasi membuat kartun menggunakan adobe photoshop cs 5

Model Rian Suhud 
Art of  Ridoni Anjasmara 
Junior Graphic Designer @PandawaGraphicDesign #Depok #Indonesia

Warm Colors on the Photo

Final Image Preview

Warm Colors on the Photo


Step 1

Open photo in Photoshop. Resize photo to 1000×664 pixels by going to Image > Image Size. Duplicate photo using Ctrl+J. On duplicated layer apply Image > Adjustments > Color Balance.
Warm Colors on the Photo 1
Warm Colors on the Photo 2
Update layer blending mode to Multiply.
Warm Colors on the Photo 3

Step 2

Duplicate background photo using Ctrl+J. Place layer above all other layers. On duplicated layer apply Image > Adjustments > Color Balance.
Warm Colors on the Photo 4
Warm Colors on the Photo 5
Update layer blending mode to Lighten.
Warm Colors on the Photo 6

Step 3

Duplicate background photo using Ctrl+J. Place layer above all other layers. On duplicated layer apply Image > Adjustments > Color Balance.
Warm Colors on the Photo 7
Warm Colors on the Photo 8
Update layer blending mode to Darken.
Warm Colors on the Photo 9

Step 4

Duplicate background photo using Ctrl+J. Place layer above all other layers. On duplicated layer apply Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.
Warm Colors on the Photo 10
Go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.
Warm Colors on the Photo 11
Warm Colors on the Photo 12
Update layer blending mode to Darken.
Warm Colors on the Photo 13

Step 5

Duplicate background photo using Ctrl+J. Place layer above all other layers. On duplicated layer apply Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.
Warm Colors on the Photo 14
Apply Filter > Other > High Pass.
Warm Colors on the Photo 15
Warm Colors on the Photo 16
Update layer blending mode to Overlay.
Warm Colors on the Photo 17
Merge all layers into one layer by going to Layer > Merge Layers or pressing Ctrl+E and rename layer to “Background”.

Step 6

Duplicate “Background” layer with Ctrl+J and apply Filter > Blur > Smart Blur to duplicated layer.
Warm Colors on the Photo 18
Warm Colors on the Photo 19
Select Eraser Tool and a soft round brush. Erase boys from this layer and with that we will have a clear picture of boys and blurred image around them.
Warm Colors on the Photo 20

Step 7

Duplicate “Background” layer again and move it above all layers. Apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur to duplicated layer. With Eraser Tool repeat process done in Step 6 but leaving more blurred areas on the image bottom.
Warm Colors on the Photo 21
Warm Colors on the Photo 22

Step 8

Create a new layer on top of all layers. Fill layer with color #987f3f.
Warm Colors on the Photo 23
Select Eraser Tool one more time to erase light brown color in a way similar to mine to get same effect as you can see below.
Warm Colors on the Photo 24

Step 9

Create a new layer on top of all layers. Press D to set foregound color to black and background color to white. Drag a linear gradient using Gradient Tool.
Warm Colors on the Photo 25
Update layer blending mode to Overlay.
Warm Colors on the Photo 26

Step 10

Duplicate “Background” layer again and move it above all layers. Desaturate duplicated layer by going to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.
Warm Colors on the Photo 27
Apply Filter > Other > High Pass.
Warm Colors on the Photo 28
Warm Colors on the Photo 29
Erase layer background area with Eraser Tool (soft round brush with 400px).
Warm Colors on the Photo 30
Warm Colors on the Photo 31
Change layer blending mode to Overlay.
Warm Colors on the Photo 32
Reduce layer opacity to 60% and we are done.

Final Image

Warm Colors on the Photo

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