Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

VivoBook, Jagoan Asus di Windows 8


VivoBook S200 (kiri) dan S400 yang dikenalkan Asus hari ini.

JAKARTA, SENIN - Windows 8 yang resmi diluncurkan pada 26 Oktober lalu, berimbas pada ramainya produsen PC yang membuat produk baru untuk sistem operasi layar sentuh ini. Tak terkecuali Asus, vendor asal Taiwan itu memperkenalkan 2 seri barunya yang dimasukkan dalam keluarga VivoBook, apa itu?

Asus VivoBook S200

Keluarga VivoBook punya 3 seri, VivoBook S200E, VivoBook S400CA, dan VivoBook U38. Dua seri yang disebut pertama menggunakan prosesor Intel, sementara VivoBook U38 bertenagakan prosesor AMD Trinity. Semua Notebook ini punya layar sentuh, sebuah fitur kunci yang dibutuhkan Windows 8 untuk bisa bekerja maksimal.

Asus VivoBook S400

VivoBook S200E merupakan notebook kelas low end yang ditujukan untuk pengguna berbudget ketat. Ada 2 pilihan prosesor untuk seri ini, Intel 847 Dual Core atau Intel Core i3-3217U dengan kecepatan 1,8GHz. Produk yang berprosesor Intel 847 dijual seharga US$ 479 sementara Core i3 dibandrol US$ 599. Selain prosesor, spesifikasi komponen keduanya identik, layar 11,6″ HD (1366 x 768), memori 4GB DDR3, harddisk 500GB, Wifi, USB 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0, dan kamera HD (720p) di bagian atas layarnya. VivoBook S200 dibekali baterai Lithium-Polymer yang bisa bertahan sampai 5 jam.

Fasilitas di kedua seri VivoBook ini relatif sama, hanya beda di prosesor dan besar layar
Seri S400CA punya spesifikasi yang lebih wah. Ditujukan untuk kalangan pebisnis yang tinggi akan kegiatan mobilitas, seri ini membekali dirinya dengan prosesor Intel Core i5-3317U berkecepatan maksimum 2,6GHz. Ukuran layarnya juga lebih besar, 13,3 inci dengan resolusi 1366 x 768 serta bekal memori sistem sampai 4GB (DDR3). Selain harddisk 500GB, S400CA juga punya cache SSD sebesar 24GB untuk menyimpan state sistem operasi ketika dalam keadaan tidur. USB 3.0, WIFI dan Bluetooth 4.0 juga ada di seri ini, plus 3 sel baterai Lithium Polymer dan garansi resmi Asus global selama 2 tahun. Khusus seri ini, Asus membandrolnya seharga US$ 699.


Alternatif Merubah Tampilan Win 7 ke Win 8 Dengan Windows 8 UX Pack 6.0

What’s new in 8UXP v6.0
  • Added Charms Bar as Immersive UI’s alternative
  • Added Windows 8 RTM wallpapers
  • Configured launcher’s application startup delay to 5 seconds
  • Configured Metro Desktop UI and Aero’s auto-colorization to be used by default if applicable
  • Fixed launcher asking for adminstrative rights everytime on startup
  • Fixed changing logon screen requires restart on OEM bunbled machine
  • Updated Newgen’s start screen background to Windows 8 RTM’s default
  • Updated Starb orb rebuilt for better look and usability
  • Updated Theme selection list to Glass UI/Metro UI/Modern UI
  • Updated Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 by wango911 with customized theme files
File Name: 8UXP6.zip | File Size: 19.4 MB
Link Donlot 100% gratis :

Selamat mencoba Semoga bermanfaat  
posted by @rahmatkoplak1

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Merubah Tampilan Win 7 Ke Mac OS Menggunakan Lion Transformation Pack 1.0

LTP v1.0 Proper Notes
  • Fixed uninstaller bug executing removed file on Windows 7
  • Removed Windows 7′s Apple Boot Screen system files modification as some machines can’t boot after installation
LTP v1.0 Features
  • Seamless installation and uninstallation giving users safe transformation
  • Easily configurable in single click with intelligence Metro UI design
  • Designed for all editions of Windows XP/Vista/7 including Server Editions
  • Genuine OS X Lion system resources
  • Smart system files updating with auto-repair and Windows Update friendly
  • UxStyle memory patching
  • Lion Frame UI including Aero/Mac features for XP and non-Aero system
  • OS X Lion themes, wallpapers, user pictures and logon screen
  • OS X Dock emulation with pre-configured docklets optimized for stability/performance
  • Expose and Spaces with shortcut keys configured

Link Donlot : http://www.thememypc.com/lion-transformation-pack-1-0/#download

Copy the new link tab

File Name: LTP1.zip | File Size: 58.1 MB

Tampilan Hampir 98% sama dengan aslinya
semoga bermanfaat

Merubah Tampilan Windows 7 Ke Windows 8 Dengan Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.0

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 6.0 will transform your Windows 7/Vista/XP user interface to Windows 8. Including Windows 8 Boot Screen, Login Screen, Themes, Wallpapers, Icons, Sounds, Fonts, Metro/Modern UI, Aero’s Auto-Colorization, Taskbar UserTile and more.

What’s new in 8TP v6.0
  • Added Windows 8 RTM wallpapers
  • Configured Aero frame UI, Metro Desktop UI and Aero’s auto-colorization to be used by default if applicable
  • Improved Segoe fonts family installation code for better compatibilities
  • Updated Metro Inspirat theme with improved start orb and few adjustments
  • Updated Newgen’s start screen background to Windows 8 RTM’s default
  • Updated Segoe fonts family from Windows 8 RTM
  • Updated TrueTransparency Aero skin rebuilt from Windows 8 RTM resources
  • Updated Windows 8′s Explorer toolbar layout configuration
  • Updated Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 by wango911 with customized theme files
  • Updated system files resources found in Windows 8 RTM
    • Boot Screen (Windows XP)
    • Logon screen background
    • Navigation buttons
    • Network tray icons
    • System Tray icons
    • Shell icons
    • Shell pane background
    • Shutdown/Logoff/Theme dialogs (Windows XP)
    • Start button/orb

Link Donlot : http://www.thememypc.com/windows-8-transformation-pack-6-0/#download
copy in new link tab

File Name: 8TP6.zip | File Size: 47.4 MB
 selamat menikmati semoga bermanfaat
sumber : http://www.windowsxlive.net

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

How to Create a Cute Bunny Vector Character

Tutorial Details
  • Program: Illustrator
  • Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced
  • Completion Time: 1-2 hours






Final Product What You'll Be Creating

Step 1

Before we start, I wanted to let everyone know I will be using Illustrator CS4 for this tutorial. Don’t worry, everything I am creating can be done in the other CS versions, I just wanted to let you know because the panels in the images will look different. Below is an example of the new Gradient Panel with a bunch of new goodies, but for this tutorial we will only be using the features that are in the other CS versions.
Step 1

Step 2

Create a new document, then make a 190 px wide by 290 px tall rectangle with the Rectangle Tool (M).
Step 2

Step 3

With your Direct Selection Tool (A), select the top left corner of the rectangle. With the point selected, the Control Panel defaults to the Anchor Point options. Press the second to the left button, converting the anchor point to a smooth point.
Step 3

Step 4

Repeat the previous step with the top right anchor point.
Step 4

Step 5

Fill the rectangle with a Linear Gradient from the Gradient Panel and change the first swatch to a pink color and the second swatch to a darker pink color.
Step 5

Step 6

Use the Gradient Tool to adjust the gradient by clicking and dragging from the middle of the shape to the bottom.
Step 6

Step 7

Copy (Command + C) the shape and Paste in Front (Command + F). With the new shape selected, use the Selection Tool (V) and scale the shape to half of its original size. After scaling, place the the copied shape towards the bottom of the original.
Step 7

Step 8

Change the first swatch in the gradient fill to a light pink and the other swatch to a slightly darker pink.
Step 8

Step 9

With the Star Tool, click on the artboard to bring up the Star dialog. In the dialog change Radius 1 to 50 px, Radius 2 to 25 px and the Points to 3.
Step 9

Step 10

With the triangle selected go Effect > Stylize > Round Corners. In the dialog change the radius to 15 px.
Step 10

Step 11

With the Selection Tool (V), squish the triangle horizontally to half of its original size. Next rotate the triangle 180 degrees.
Step 11

Step 12

Fill the triangle with a Linear Gradient, make the first swatch a dark pink from the previous shape and the second swatch make a darker pink. Adjust the gradient so the darkest part of the gradient is at the bottom of the triangle.
Step 12

Step 13

Place the triangle at the bottom of the bigger body shape creating a leg. Once placed, drag out a copy of the leg to other side. Simply hold down Alt + Shift while dragging the shape.
Step 13

Step 14

Create a 200 px wide by 50 px tall rectangle and round the corners at 25 px.
Step 14

Step 15

Go to Effect > Warp > Arch. With the Warp Options dialog open, change the Bend to 20 and the Horizontal Distortion to -49. Next, make sure to expand the effects by going to Object > Expand Appearance. If you don’t do this you will get some unexpected results as the steps continue.
Step 15

Step 16

Rotate the shape 45 degrees to the right so the shape is vertical. Next, place the shape over the top of the body shape. Once placed, Copy (Command + C) and Paste in Front (Command + F) the ear shape. Reflect the shape vertically by going to Object > Transform > Reflect and choosing the Vertical option in the dialog. Once reflected, move the copied ear to the other side of the body.
Step 16

Step 17

Change the fill of the the ears to the first swatch pink color in the body shape.
Step 17

Step 18

Select the first ear and go to Object > Path > Offset to open the Offset dialog. Change the Offset to -15 px. Next, move the offset slightly down and to the left.
Step 18

Step 19

Change the fill of the offset to the light Linear Gradient that was used in the belly shape of the body.
Step 19

Step 20

Repeat the same step for the right ear shape.
Step 20

Step 21

Copy (Command + C) and Paste (Command + V) the main right ear shape. Rotate the copied shape 190 degrees and scale it down to half of its original size. Fill the shape with the original body gradient and place it behind the lower left side of the body.
Step 21

Step 22

Copy (Command + C) and Paste in Front (Command + F) the arm shape, reflect it vertically, then place it on the other side of the body.
Step 22

Step 23

Now that the body is done, we can start adding a face to the bunny. Start by creating an ellipse with the Ellipse Tool (L) that is 37 px by 37 px. Fill the ellipse with a Radial Gradient with the first swatch a dark pink and the second swatch the same pink as in the ears.
Step 23

Step 24

Create another ellipse with the previous one, but smaller, and fill it with a dark pink color. Next draw two smaller white filled ellipses within the dark pink one. Now you have an eye!
Step 24

Step 25

Place the eye shapes over the top left part of the body shape. Once placed, Copy (Command + C) and Paste the (Command + V) the eye shapes and place them on the other side of the body.
Step 25

Step 26

Create a triangle like before and scale it down to half of its original size. Also like the other triangle, round the corners and fill it with the same gradient. Next, place the triangle over the middle part of the body below the eyes.
Step 26

Step 27

With the Line Tool (\) draw a dark pink (same as the dark pink eye color) 3 pt line right below the nose, spanning the distance of the eyes.
Step 27

Step 28

Draw a ellipse so the bottom fourth of it is the width of the line you just drew. Next, draw a rectangle that encompasses the top half of the ellipse up to the line you drew. Select the rectangle and ellipse and press the Subtract Shape Areas button from the Pathfinder Panel. While still in the Pathfinder Panel, press the Expand button. If you own CS4, Illustrator expands it for you!
Step 28

Step 29

Fill the subtracted shape with the same Linear Gradient as the body gradient, but adjust it so the darker part of the gradient is at the top. Place the shape behind the line you created before.
Step 29

Step 30

Create a rectangle that is 38 px wide by 40 px tall. Like with the main body shape, select the bottom left anchor point with the Direct Selection Tool (A) and change the anchor to a Smooth Point. Do the same for the bottom right anchor point.
Step 30

Step 31

Place the tooth shape behind and below the mouth line on the left side of the nose shape. Fill the tooth with a Linear Gradient with the first swatch white and the second swatch a light gray. Adjust the gradient so the white is at the top of the tooth.
Step 31

Step 32

Copy (Command + C) the Tooth and Paste in Front (Command + F). Create an ellipse the covers the bottom two-thirds of the tooth. Select the tooth copy and the ellipse and Subtract the shapes. Once subtracted, change the color of the shape to a light gray.
Step 32

Step 33

Drag out a copy of the tooth shapes to the left side.
Step 33

Step 34

Now it is time to add some hair. With the Pen Tool draw a hair puff shape towards the top of the body. Fill the shape with the same Linear Gradient as the nose shape.
Step 34

Step 35

With the hair shape selected, Copy (Command + C) and Paste in Back (Command + B). With the copy selected, move it down slightly. Fill the copy with the same gradient as the main body shape and adjust it so the darker part of the gradient is at the top of the shape.
Step 35

Step 36

The bunny character is done, but lets have some more fun to it. Let’s make it look like the bunny just devoured a carrot! Use you Pencil Tool (N) and draw twenty – twenty-five small ellipse like shapes over the teeth and mouth area of the bunny (make these shapes a bit rough). Fill the shapes with a Linear Gradient, set the first swatch to an orange color and the second to a darker orange color.
Step 36

Step 37

Draw an ellipse that is 45 px wide by 30 px tall. Draw another ellipse over that one that is 65 px wide by 30 px tall. Place the second ellipse so the bottom is in the center of the first one. Select both ellipses, Intersect the Shape Areas from the Pathfinder Panel, and press Expand. Next, fill the shape with the orange linear gradient you used for the small elements around the mouth, then adjust the gradient so the lighter part of the gradient is at the top of the shape.
Step 37

Step 38

With the Pencil Tool (N), create some little ellipse like shapes around and below the previous shape. Fill these with the same orange gradient.
Step 38

Step 39

Copy (Command + C) the original top ellipse shape and Paste in Front (F). Scale the shape down to half of its original size, then place it towards the top of the original shape. Change the first swatch in the copied shape to a green color and the second swatch to a darker green color.
Step 39

Step 40

With the Pen Tool (P), draw a couple stems coming out of the carrot top. Fill these shapes with the same green gradient you just used.
Step 40

Step 41

Create an ellipse that is 75 px by 75 px. Fill it with a Radial Gradient with the first swatch a light brown color, the second swatch a white color, and set the ellipse to Multiply from the Transparency Panel. Next, squish the ellipse vertically to half its original size. Place the ellipse behind all the carrot top artwork as a drop shadow.
Step 41

Step 42

Create two more ellipses, as in the previous step, then place them behind the feet. Create another bigger ellipse, but make the brown color of the gradient lighter and place in between the feet shadows.
Step 42

Step 43

Create a rectangle the size of you document and fill it with a Radial Gradient. Make the first swatch white and the second swatch a light yellow color. All done!
Step 43

Final Image

Below is the final image we just worked on.
Final Imagehttp://vector.tutsplus.com/tutorials/illustration/how-to-create-a-cute-bunny-vector-character/

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